Rent-A-Drum was established in 1989 and has grown into the biggest private enterprise of its kind in Namibia. As the leading organisation in waste management and recycling in the country, we offer the most comprehensive services in our field to Namibian corporations, mines, smaller companies and the citizens of Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Oshakati, Oranjemund, Rosh Pinah, Luderitz and Rundu.
Our capabilities can be attributed to our equipment resources; our focused, experienced and committed management team who continuously source more cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions; and all our skilled employees who implement Rent-A-Drum’s solutions with proficiency and dedication.
Our expertise extends to several areas in Environment services such as deep collection systems, wheelie bin services, clean-ups and cargo spills, destructions, waste audits, event waste management, landfill management, rehabilitation, hazardous waste treatment and tank cleaning.
We launched Namibia’s first Material Recovery Facility in Windhoek in 2010 and constructed a second one in Swakopmund in 2019. We also built the first Refuse Derived Fuel Plant in Namibia in 2017.
Today, with over 400 Namibian employees, we dispatch over 120 waste collecting and removal vehicles. We sort 22 different recycling commodities before baling and dispatching them to recycling plants in South Africa. Recycling an average 1 800 tonnes of goods monthly.
What We Believe
To lead an environmentally friendly and sustainable future for all Namibians.
To promote ethical business principles of the circular economy, whilst honoring the highest levels of safety standards, to the benefit and wellbeing of our employees and all our stakeholders, environment and the communities we operate in.
Integrity, Commitment, Accountability, Respect, Enthusiasm
Rent-A-Drum is a proud subsidiary of the Séché Environnement Group, headquartered in Changé, France.
With a presence in over 120 locations across 16 countries, and more than 35 years in the business, Séché Environnement is a leader in waste management. Firmly committed to the ecological transition, the Group provides innovative environmental and hazard control solutions in support of the circular economy.
Dedicated to decarbonisation and the preservation of biodiversity, the Group relentlessly pursues the responsible use of resources and the mitigation of climate change.
Rent-A-Drum is committed to advancing the circular economy and preserving scarce natural resources. Whether it be through waste recovery, bioremediation, land rehabilitation or engineered landfilling, we continuously work to reduce industrial and household waste.
With the preservation of biodiversity being among of principal objectives, we work with our clients and partners to reduce the adverse effects of human activity on natural environments in Namibia. We also collaborate with organisations, schools and communities to encourage recycling and responsible resource use and waste disposal.
We offer waste management reporting to assist our clients in measuring reductions in their environmental impact with metrics such as volumes of waste recovered.
Rent-A-Drum is committed to advancing the circular economy and preserving scarce natural resources. Whether it be through waste recovery, bioremediation, land rehabilitation or engineered landfilling, we continuously work to reduce industrial and household waste.
With the preservation of biodiversity being among of principal objectives, we work with our clients and partners to reduce the adverse effects of human activity on natural environments in Namibia. We also collaborate with organisations, schools and communities to encourage recycling and responsible resource use and waste disposal.
We offer waste management reporting to assist our clients in measuring reductions in their environmental impact with metrics such as volumes of waste recovered.
With health and safety among our top priorities, the protection of our employees, customers and surrounding neighbourhoods from harm or ill-health is an ever-present objective of ours.
Rent-A-Drum is proud to be certified compliant with the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard. We conduct our business according to our Safety, Health, Environment & Quality (SHEQ) programme, striving to stay ahead of the requirements of government agencies and clients. We maintain strict and total control over all industrial waste products and ensure that as much waste as possible is directed into the recycling sector.
Rent-A-Drum is the leading organisation in waste management in Namibia and offers the most comprehensive service to Namibian corporations, mines and smaller companies, including the residents of Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Rundu, Oranjemund and Oshakati.
The company has a long-standing legacy and is firmly rooted in Namibia, working for the benefit of the country, its human and environmental health and green job creation, the latter based upon the principles of the International Labour Organisation.
We look forward to establishing a value added business relationship with your company.
Yours sincerely
Managing Director
Finance Manager
Chief Operating Officer
Public Relations Manager
Development Director
HR Manager
Acting Commercial Manager
SHEQ Manager
Oshakati: +264 65 203 300
Windhoek: +264 61 244 097
Swakopmund: +264 64 460 977
Walvis Bay: +264 64 204 099
Rundu: +264 81 162 5534